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Property management

The main mission of real estate management is to plan, program and budget the administration of the real estate of our customers. All operations relating to the rental management of real estate assets, the allocation / extension of concessions, space management and the sale of real estate also fall within our scope of expertise. Entrusting your property to a real estate professional allows you to optimize its profitability in complete peace of mind. You then benefit from his advice, his expertise and comfortable services. Depending on your needs, the property manager can assist you with all the technical, legal and tax obligations that concern your property.

The most profitable real estate sectors in Cameroon

The real estate sector presents multiple investment opportunities not only in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé, but also in the southern, eastern and Adamaoua regions where the future operating sites of the deep water port of Kribi, iron mines of Mbalam and Nkout, cobalt-nickel-manganese mines of Nkamouna, bauxite mines of Ngaoundal and many others. These various opportunities represent several types of service to be provided such as: setting up real estate agencies for the management of rental investment, real estate development companies for the construction, sale, management and renovation of housing, companies specializing in interior design, leisure spaces and others, and also the setting up of offices of co-ownership trustees. According to the INS 2013 national accounts report, the share of real estate in GDP represents just over 9%, which highlights the significant share of real estate and the opportunity to investment in this industry. With a deficit of more than 1.5 million housing units, the Cameroonian real estate market has extraordinary potential. Today more than in the past, there is a real enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in Cameroon. For many, the real estate sector is one of the sectors that many consider in view of its potential, as the one presenting the least risk. With the strong demand for real estate, local investors, the State, large international investors are increasingly active in the field. In Douala and Yaoundé, the number of constructions is impressive. The value of land is increasing more and more. All these elements require, for a good mastery of this sector in order to make controlled investments, an in-depth study. Our study on the most profitable sectors of real estate will revolve around 4 focal points, in particular the identification of the most profitable sectors, the regulatory constraints governing activity in this sector, the related taxation and profitability. what can be learned from it. 1. Identification of the most profitable sectors The real estate sector comprises three main areas: Property management is the management applied to buildings, whether residential, commercial or industrial. Real estate development consists of carrying out or having carried out: • subdivision and land development operations intended primarily for housing; • the construction or renovation of buildings. real estate transactions are transactions carried out on the real estate market. They can therefore be rentals or sales. They can be carried out by a professional or between individuals. In Cameroon, many sectors arise from these areas, the list of which is not exhaustive. We can list the following sectors as the most profitable: • Property management; • Subdivision, development of land for residential use. • The construction or renovation of buildings Once these sectors have been identified, it makes sense to study the regulatory framework governing the real estate professions in Cameroon. 2. Regulatory constraints These include Law 97/003 of January 10, 1997 relating to property development, Decree No. 2007/1419/PM of November 2, 2007 setting the conditions for the application of Law No. 97/003 OF 10 January 1997 relating to property development, Law No. 2001/020 of December 18, 2001 on the organization of the profession of real estate agent and Decree No. 2007 / 1138 / PM OF September 3, 2007 Setting the terms of application of the law n°2001/020 of December 18, 2001 organizing the profession of real estate agent. With regard to the activity of real estate developer, the exercise as a natural person is subject to the possession of Cameroonian nationality, or belonging to a foreign country having concluded a reciprocity agreement with Cameroon. You must be at least 21 years old, be in good standing with the tax authorities and social security. The exercise of the profession of property developer is subject to prior approval. Accreditation is granted by order of the minister responsible for housing after a favorable opinion from the consultative commission for real estate development. The application for approval is subscribed by the natural person or by the legal or statutory representatives of the legal person. Any applicant for approval must demonstrate sufficient capital and personal competence with the commitment to ensure the assistance of experts and qualified personnel. Any applicant for approval must fulfill the legal conditions required to be a trader. The silence of the administration, sixty (60) days after receipt of the request for approval, is worth acceptance. The exercise of the profession of property developer is subject to the payment of a minimum financial guarantee of 25,000,000 FCFA (twenty five million francs) and to the subscription of civil liability insurance, a deposit deposited in an approved bank and paid into an account opened in the name of the property developer, a written guarantee provided by a credit institution approved by the Ministry of Finance and the COBAC. There are incompatibilities, in particular the ministerial officers and their clerks, the trustees of judicial settlement and liquidation of assets, the judicial administrators. Similarly, a person who has been the subject of a final non-amnesty sentence of imprisonment for breach of public trust, offenses against the fortunes of others or for bankruptcy cannot be a property developer. To carry out this activity as a legal person, you must be incorporated as a real estate development company, have a registered office in Cameroon, be in good standing with the tax and social security authorities. The law relating to real estate development requires proof of the financial guarantee mentioned above, to have legal representatives, to keep accounts. Any foreign promoter wishing to practice in Cameroon must form an association or group with an approved Cameroonian promoter or an investor of Cameroonian nationality. Just like the profession of real estate developer, that of real estate agent is governed by the law which sets the conditions of exercise. The law referred to above provides that real estate agents are natural or legal persons who carry out real estate transactions and make it their usual profession. The real estate agent must present a financial guarantee including a deposit deposited in an approved bank and paid into an account opened in the name of the real estate agent, a written guarantee provided by a credit institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance and by the Central African Banking Commission and which cannot be less than 15,000,000 FCFA (fifteen million francs) and an insurance policy covering professional risks, and must be registered in the register of real estate agents kept by the minister in charge housing, and have a professional card issued by the same authority. Are qualified to exercise the function of real estate agent: The incumbents: • Either a Bachelor's degree, after legal, economic, commercial studies, issued by the State or any equivalent diploma; • Either a degree in Civil Engineering, Urban Planner or Architect; • Either one of the diplomas issued by the State or by an establishment recognized by the State and appearing on the list drawn up by joint order of the Ministers responsible for housing and higher education respectively. • Persons holding a bachelor's degree, providing proof of professional experience of at least ten (10) years and having held: permanent employment in organizations that carry out real estate transactions; • A job in an establishment belonging to a holder of the real estate agent's professional card; • public employment related to real estate transactions or real estate management. The people who manage a company such as managers, agents or those of a sole proprietorship. • In this case, they must prove their professional skills and have practiced for at least five (5) years on a permanent basis; With regard to incompatibilities, any person subject to a final conviction for breach of public trust, offenses against the fortunes of others or bankruptcy cannot exercise the profession of real estate agent. 3. The related taxation. The professions of real estate agents and real estate promoters are services subject to the payment of VAT. These are in reality activities subject to the common tax system. At the start of the financial year, there is an obligation to declare your activity (article 1 of the LFP), to obtain your taxpayer's card, to pay your license (article C13 & 93). The real estate agent or the real estate developer also has parafiscal obligations, in particular declaring his staff to the CNPS, paying the property tax if he owns the premises in which he exercises his activity or the registration rights of his lease if he is a tenant. During the financial year, a deposit on the turnover of 5.5% is due (article 91 CGI). The real estate professional will be required to pay certain taxes, in particular the tourist tax for the rental of furnished accommodation, registration fees on the lease (10% of the annual rent for a residential lease and 15% of the annual rent for a professional lease), property tax on real estate property (0.01% of the value of the building), land income (withholding tax on rent 15% of the annual rent, capital gain on the sale of real estate 10% except for areas framed by a price list whose tax base is 5% article 90 CGI). At the end of the financial year, corporation tax is payable (33%), as well as property income tax which is 15% in the event of withholding tax, or failing that, 5% (article 89 CGI). 4. Profitability With regard to profitability, the difficulty of finding reliable figures does not allow a real comparative analysis, except that according to sources in charge of the Ministry of Housing, the housing deficit in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé would be at least 1,000,000 This statistic sufficiently demonstrates the potential of the real estate sector in Cameroon, which probably represents one of the safest and most buoyant investments of the moment. From a purely incentive point of view, practicing as a legal person is more advantageous from a tax point of view. Anyone can invest in real estate in Cameroon. The conditions may be rough and tough, but the rewards are worth it. It is also enough to be surrounded and advised by serious professionals who know the laws and regulations of the country in this area as well as the types of housing that the population is looking for, or the projects likely to be profitable at best.

The Cameroon Real Estate Company posts a result of 128 million FCFA in 2020, down 81.7%

The Cameroon Real Estate Company (SIC), a company with majority public capital (86%), has just published its financial statements for the 2020 financial year. The financial data of this company show that it posted a result of 127.9 million FCFA during the period under review, against 701.16 million FCFA in 2019. The SIC thus presents a result that is certainly positive "approved" by the board of directors held on September 28, but this represents a drop of 573.18 million FCFA between the two years, or a down performance of 81.7%. The company does not explain this bearish result for 2020, which is five times less efficient than that obtained the previous year. But we note that this happens in a context where the SIC accumulates an overall shortfall of 60 billion FCFA, due to the practice of modest rents. Because, according to its general manager, Ahmadou Sardaouna, "The SIC housing rented at 50,000 FCFA per month is for the equivalent standing rented by private individuals at 200,000 FCFA". In addition, this company faces the phenomenon of unpaid rents. To the point where, last January, the SIC initiated the termination of the lease contract of 452 tenants for insolvency. These insolvents occupy more than 8% of its rental stock. Moreover, over the years the phenomenon of subletting has developed. In other words, some former SIC tenants who have become owners of a house outside the SIC camps, sublet their former social housing to third parties. These fraudulent maneuvers, among others, have caused the Company to accumulate successive loss results in recent years: -4.4 billion FCFA in 2016; -3.6 billion in 2017; -4.05 billion in 2018. As part of its main activity of real estate management, the SIC has, according to the latest official information, a rental stock of 5,329 housing units compared to 5,355 in 2018, of which 4,598 are private simple rentals, 257 are used by the Ministry of Domains, Cadastre and Land Affairs, 427 used by the Ministry of Defence, 28 are for use by the SIC and 15 are disaster victims. Created in 1952 to promote social housing in the country, the SIC has only been able to build barely 11,000 housing units (the housing deficit in Cameroon is estimated at around 2.5 million houses) today, of which only half remains in its housing stock, while the other half has been sold to individuals, using the hire-purchase formula. To revitalize its performance, the board of directors of the SIC decided on September 29, 2020 to increase the capital of the public company from one to 75 billion FCFA, an increase of 74 billion FCFA.

Real Estate Apps: How These Apps Help Real Estate Agents And Agencies Find More Clients And Close More Deals

Real Estate Apps: How These Apps Help Real Estate Agents And Agencies Find More Clients And Close More Deals Real estate agents and agencies in Cameroon have an arduous task. From meeting potential clients, to moving from place to place, to checking properties and doing all the tiresome paperwork at the end of the day. What if there was an easy way around this? The answers are many and not everyone works for all real estate agents. But the answer that more real estate agents are turning to these days is simple: real estate apps. Real estate apps allow realtors and real estate agencies to list their properties, connect and chat with thousands of potential clients, and close deals, all while allowing you to spend less. Think about cost, time and resources. For an agent, if you don't know how to do your job in the most convenient and cheapest way possible for you and your clients, here are some benefits of using a real estate app to reduce costs, time, and the resources. 1. Better visibility for your business/work People are spending more and more time on their mobile phone than on any other device. In fact, according to one study, 87% of millennials never part with their phones. The increased use of these mobile phones and applications, whether in offices or on the street, allows more prospects to connect with you wherever you are, and also view properties (houses, land, etc.) ) that you, as an agent, have at their disposal. 2. Better exposure with less stress How many houses do you control? How many billboards and signs do you need to put up in a day to let prospects know about your properties? With an app, you can reach thousands of prospects without having to put up signs to inform prospects. With your mobile phone and real estate app installed, you can still post and get even more client engagement. 3. Be more innovative The world is progressing and mobile apps are slowly overtaking websites. In the real estate world, using a real estate app is a surefire way to boost your conversion. On the one hand, you are up to date and follow the main technological trends in the industry. Prospects definitely connect with you better, unlike other agents who still list properties the old fashioned way. 4. Be more competitive Competition is a great boost to your business, but staying ahead of your competition is a portal to your success as a real estate agent. By using a mobile app, you're not only staying ahead of your competition, but you're in the league of top real estate agents any landlord would want to work with. The best part is that customers naturally come to you. 5. Stay organized With an app, you have access to your personal account. This account usually offers the ability to update your profile and better organize your portfolio so clients can easily see which properties belong to you and reach you even faster. Isn't it amazing? 6. Impress your customers The client is king. As long as your clientele is hooked, you have a job. Prospects are more likely to be impressed with a neatly curated profile and portfolio, which is only available to them through a real estate app, wherever they are. 7. Mobile apps are lightweight Mobile apps are specially designed for mobile devices, making them more convenient for customers and agents. As an agent, it allows you to easily track time and location, giving you more insight into how your business operates. 8. Provides a direct marketing channel A real estate app offers the ability to market your properties directly to your customers with little additional cost. This way, you're able to deliver to customers in no time, with the least amount of stress and the ability to reach an even greater number of potential customers. In today's crowded real estate market, when it comes to managing your properties, whether as a realtor or an agency, finding the most convenient and cheapest way to do it. doing is the key to the success of your business. Using a real estate app that works for you and your business is a surefire way to keep your head above water and stay in business. You are also building a strong business name and brand for yourself.

Land law in Cameroon

Cameroon, like many African countries, is facing rapid urbanization. The development of vertical habitat should be a response to this situation. The country has the law of December 21, 2010, which governs co-ownership, inspired by French legislation: a brief analysis was made before the students. Land security In addition to co-ownership, this seminar presented the system that ensures land security in France, with regard to the land registration system, mainly in force in Africa, and resulting from colonization. The following paradox has been noted: • In Cameroon, as in many African countries, the land title is issued by the State, and it is absolute and intangible. But tenure security is uncertain. • In the West, on the contrary, in the land registration system, the title deed is contestable and the State does not guarantee it, but land tenure security is almost absolute. Even if Cameroon does not know our land registration system, it has, according to the Cameroonian authorities, a certain number of mechanisms which should be able to ensure security: but their effective application should be particularly reinforced to mitigate too many land conflicts. which are a major concern of Cameroon. Taxation The fundamental role of notaries was highlighted, particularly through their role as tax collectors on behalf of the State, which is not exactly the case in Cameroon.

Procedure for Acquiring a Land Title in Cameroon

The Acquisition of Land in Cameroon is materialized by the Obtaining of a Land Title which is a real title of ownership recognized by the State of Cameroon. 3 Types of Procedures exist depending on the origins of the Terrain: 1) Acquire land from the National Domain The concession is the procedure by which the State authorizes anyone who wishes and who has a development project to carry it out on an unoccupied space of the national domain. It is done in two phases; a provisional phase and a definitive phase. The application for a provisional concession is submitted to the domains service. The head of the departmental domain service informs the prefect who convenes an advisory commission. This commission visits the field and sends the Minister of Lands a report with a reasoned opinion on the legal status of the land and the feasibility of the project on the plot. The buyer has five years to develop the plot in accordance with the specifications. The final concession is obtained only after the report of development of the parcel by the competent authorities. In the event of non-compliance with the obligations imposed on the concessionaire, he is stripped of his rights to the building and the concession ends. Procedure : A- Obtaining the provisional concession • Purchase of tax stamps • Obtaining the certified copy of the national identity card • Obtaining the payment order for the file opening fees • Payment of file opening fees • Submission of the concession request • Obtaining of the prefectural decree of descent on the ground • Obtaining the ministerial decree granting the provisional concession • Payment of ground tax B- Obtaining the final concession and the land title • Submission of the request for a statement of development of the land • Obtaining the convocation of the prefect for the finding of development of the plot • Obtaining the ministerial decree awarding the final concession • Obtaining the order for the payment of land royalties • Payment of ground tax • Submission of the file for obtaining the land title • Withdrawal of the land title 2) Acquire private land from the State The private domain of the State may be allocated for enjoyment or ownership to natural or legal persons. The deeds of sale of the private domain of the State must be valid only after authorization and visa of the Minister in charge of domains and land affairs. Full payment of the price after authorization by the Minister gives the right to parcelling out or transferring the land title. Procedure Obtaining ownership by private sale • Purchase of tax stamps • Obtaining the certified copy of the national identity card • Obtaining the payment order for the file opening fees • Payment of file opening fees • Submission of the request for sale by mutual agreement • Obtaining of the prefectural decree of descent on the ground • Obtaining the ministerial decision authorizing the sale of state land • Obtaining the order for the payment of land royalties • Payment of land royalties • Submission of the file for obtaining the land title • Withdrawal of the land title 3) Acquire private land from an individual The land title is the official certification of real estate ownership. Real estate transactions between private individuals can be done by transfer or by fragmentation. The transfer of the land title is made following the complete transfer, free of charge or against payment, of a building. Furthermore, the dismemberment of the building following successive sales or sharing entails the fragmentation of the initial land title for the benefit of the purchasers. The law requires that real estate transactions between private individuals be carried out before a notary. The notary is also responsible for registering the deed of sale for taxes and transmitting the application for the land title to the estate and land conservation services. Procedure : A- Obtaining the Land Title following a Transfer A-1) Obtaining the Transfer Technical File • Purchase of tax stamps • Purchase of technical file forms • Submission of the request for obtaining the technical transfer file • Obtaining the state of transfer of the cadastre • Payment of cadastral fees • Withdrawal of the technical file A-2) Preparation of the Transfer Technical File, Signature of the Deed of Sale and Withdrawal of the Land Title • Application for obtaining the town planning certificate • Withdrawal of the town planning certificate • Signature of the deed of sale at the notary • Obtaining the receipt of deposit of the request for transfer of the land title • Withdrawal of the parent land title bearing mention of transfer B- Obtaining the Land Title following a Morcellement B-1) Obtaining the Technical Subdivision File • Purchase of tax stamps • Purchase of forms • Submission of the request for the technical file • Obtaining the state of transfer of the cadastre • Payment of cadastral fees • Withdrawal of the technical file B-2) Preparation of the Transfer Technical File, Signature of the Deed of Sale and Withdrawal of the Land Title • Request for town planning and accessibility certificates • Application for the certificate of ownership • Withdrawal of the certificate of ownership • Signature of the deed of sale at the notary • Obtaining the receipt for the filing of the land title application • Withdrawal of the land title

Direct registration of land in Cameroon

This is the procedure for recognizing rights to land in the first category national domain, i.e. land developed before August 5, 1974. The file consists of a registration application signed in four copies, the original of which is stamped, and mentioning the surnames, first names, filiation, domicile, profession, matrimonial regime, nationality, name and detailed description of the building. Any land crossed by a road or a river is subject to as many requests as there are plots. The registration application form can be withdrawn at the sub-prefecture, or at the land affairs department. The land title is obtained after six months. All you have to do is submit the completed application to the sub-prefecture, wait at most three days to request a receipt. The administrative authority is required to send the file to the departmental land affairs service within eight days. The head of the departmental land affairs service is required to publish an extract of the request within 15 days. Together with the sub-prefect, he will set the date for the descent of the advisory commission to ascertain the effectiveness of the development of the land. After the demarcation, the applicant pays the expenses of demarcation with the departmental receiver of the domains against receipt. Thirty (30) days later, the departmental delegate of MINDAF sends the complete file to the regional delegate, for the attention of the head of the regional service of land affairs who registers it in the regional register for monitoring registration requisitions, assigns him a number, examines its regularity, draws up a demarcation notice which is published in the regional bulletin of estate and land notices. The file is then sent to the land curator of the location of the land. Thirty (30) days after the publication of the notice of closure of the demarcation of the parcel, and in the absence of any opposition or any dispute, the land registrar in the jurisdiction proceeds to the registration in the land register, and issues a copy (duplicate) of the title after payment of the land tax to the receiver of the domains.

Cameroon / Land and state disputes: We can now remedy them

And to achieve this, the Center for Studies and Facilitation of Land Registration promotes Decree No. 77/245 of 16/07/1977 on the organization of traditional chieftaincy which provides in its article 21 that "traditional chiefs may, in accordance custom, and when the laws do not provide otherwise, to conciliate or arbitrate between their constituents". Context The earth, since the most immemorial times, has been the main provider of resources that humanity uses to perpetuate the species. It could however, according to Ayissi Benoît – Consultant for Land and State Affairs, “produce enough for all if it were fairly distributed and if the egos, sometimes oversized, did not lead one and the other to want to monopolize ever more portions large to the detriment of those who, through negligence or weakness, do not have the same priorities... This results in conflicts between individuals and communities that only the implementation of formally established regulations can curb in the long term”. And yet, he continues, "After its independence, Cameroon adopted a set of rules (Laws, decrees, circulars and notes) whose proper application would certainly have enabled each citizen to have a clear vision of the spaces allocated to him without the risk of being intimidated or attacked by others for any reason whatsoever…”. What do we notice? Beyond the refusal to apply the said texts which aim for each citizen to register each of their plots of land, we are witnessing what appears to be the generalization of a spirit of corruption and cheating on the part of users and public officials involved in the processing of any land registration file. Despite the display in all the corridors and offices of cards insisting on free services, we are witnessing a payment of bribes between users and public officials, under false pretexts: Obtaining a favorable visa on an illegal aspect of a file – Correction of errors, almost insignificant, observed on a file processed by a previous link in the chain, under penalty of rejection of the latter to the said link for adjustments necessary for its progress. Urgency to remedy all these defects To achieve this, the Center for Studies and Facilitation of Land Registration (CEFIF) has been working for several years to set up an organization where all Cameroonians concerned about securing their customary land and willing to pool their energies and resources in order to overcome all the pitfalls that litter the path to follow to arrive at the land title. More concretely, "The land of the first category national domain is subject to demarcation by the direct registration procedure", specifies Ayissi Benoît who also wears the hat of president of the CEFIF. He adds that "the advisory commission moved for this purpose simply notes the development carried out by the applicant before 05/08/1974 and recommends to the Minister of Domains, Cadastre and Land Affairs to establish the land title at her name… However, "For those in the second-category national domain, this commission first assesses the compatibility of the planned project with the land requested by the applicant, expresses, if necessary, in favor of the person concerned, a favorable opinion for the allocation of this land in provisional concession… Then, it returns, after the completion of the project, to assess compliance with the provisions of the specifications signed during the award of the provisional concession to finally express its favorable opinion on the award of the said land as a definitive concession. After which, the applicant may request the transformation of the latter decree into a land title”. It turned out at the end of this process that since the acceptance and implementation of this concept, according to the terms of the aforementioned law, many disputes have been avoided because all the parties thus constituted have signed minutes as established that at that date there is no dispute of the boundaries thus clarified. The latter, to which is added a geo-referenced sketch easily achievable, thanks to GPS and other mapping software, also bears the signature of the village or family chief who irrefutably establishes the property rights.


Architect's plans

Architect's plans are graphic and technical representations of a building which as a whole allow the understanding of its different characteristics, before, during or after construction. Thus, for any application for a building permit, compliant architect plans will be essential for the evaluation of the file by the administrative authorities. Through the realization of a set of drawings, from freehand sketches to the production of detailed technical plans by computer, the architect transforms the needs and wishes of the client, thanks to his technical expertise and its aesthetic sensibility, into a set of increasingly precise plans that guide the proper integration of the different elements and different specialties in the construction. Many graphic conventions are put into practice when drawing up the plans of a building in order to facilitate the reading and understanding of the different geometric, technical, aesthetic and practical aspects by the different users. The different architect plans Various plans, drawings, sections, etc. form the set collectively called the architect's plans. Each of these graphical representations is established for use by one or more types of person; each plan will therefore be designed with the aim of presenting its users with the aesthetic, technical or geometric information concerning their professions, whether for decision-making relating to project management or project management, for the execution by one of the construction stakeholders, for administrative, technical or legal control or verification, etc. The denomination of "plans" is an abusive designation of the various architectural drawings, because the term plan should normally be used only for representations along a horizontal cutting axis. Nevertheless, as the plans are often the most important and the most numerous, compared to all the architectural drawings of a building, for identifying the different elements and constructing a building, this abusive name is therefore commonly used for the set of drawings. These nevertheless also bring together projections, in particular sections along different vertical planes – facades, sections along important elements of a building – three-dimensional projections, according to certain viewing angles, such as 45° wash drawings vertical and horizontal lighting. Ground plane The floor plan is a top view that represents the different spaces and boundaries (walls, doors and windows) of a floor of a building like a geographical map. The ground plan is usually the most important of the architectural plans. ground plane A master plan is a general view of a project that includes the whole of a property, the accesses, the connections to the various water and sewerage networks, electricity, telecommunications, and neighboring structures that may represent an interest or a constraint. The master plan is used to represent a project as a whole of the site, its configuration and its orientation in accordance with urban planning rules, in the preparatory phases of a project, before the creation of detailed plans. Elevation An elevation represents the exterior appearance of a building, most commonly a facade of a building and the elements visible from the opposite direction. It is a geometric projection along a vertical plane parallel to one of the facades. Cut A sectional view represents a building cut along a vertical plane of interest for the understanding of the structure, in particular, to present the relationships between the different levels. Perspective A perspective is a three-dimensional representation of a building or one of its elements that makes it easier to understand the relationships between its different sides. Detail view A detail view shows a feature of the building on a larger scale. These views are used in particular to present certain complex elements (intersections, openings, edges, etc.), techniques (products, methods, etc.) or aesthetics (finishes, moldings, textures, etc.) that would not be seen correctly on a smaller-scale plan. To go further in your search for information on architecture and architectural plans, to learn about the profession of architect or other building trades, or to inform you about the best methods for managing a real estate investment, do not feel free to visit our selection of the best books on architecture, construction and real estate.

The advantages of an architect's house?

Discover the advantages of an architect's house Advantage 1: The architect's house offers comfort, brightness and modernity. The work on the openings and on the cohesion with the existing environment is a real plus in terms of comfort. Advantage 2: The architect's house is tailor-made, ie it is perfectly adapted to your project. Would you like a very large living room or a cellar converted into a billiard room? A mezzanine in your living room? The architect is there to answer them. Advantage 3: Due to its unique and exclusive character, the architect's house commands respect and therefore increases in value, which can result in significant capital gains on resale...provided that originality is n didn't rhyme with eccentricity.

What is a wooden house?

Very fashionable, the wooden house is one of the ecological houses because of its natural, recyclable and biodegradable materials. However, the multiplicity of shapes and types of wooden houses justifies devoting a particular category to them.

What is a contemporary house?

The contemporary style is often assimilated to Modernism, an architectural movement of the first half of the 20th century (1920 – 1960) which preceded and influenced it. It is this type of house that comes to mind when we think of the profession of architect. Moreover, when we speak of an "architect's house", it is generally a contemporary style house. Ditto, talking about a modern house means talking about a contemporary house. This style of housing is currently very popular.

What is an ecological house?

The often harmful effects caused by modern housing on health and natural resources no longer need to be demonstrated. The concept of ecological house was developed to respond to these issues without sacrificing the comfort of the inhabitants. Also called eco-construction or sustainable construction, ecological construction is part of an approach aimed at respecting nature and promoting sustainable development by reducing the impact of housing on its environment and the health of its occupants. To this end, the ecological house is designed using natural materials and techniques that not only reduce water and energy consumption, but also the production of waste and pollutants.

In Cameroon, the paved road network is expected to grow by 14% with the completion of dirt roads currently being paved

The Ministry of Public Works has identified a length of 1,306.59 km of dirt roads being paved, which should eventually strengthen the paved road network, and increase it from 9,228.54 km to 10,535.13 km, while the entire Cameroonian global road network is 121,668.53 km. Cameroon counts, at the end of the 1st quarter of 2022, a total linear of 1306.59 km of earth roads in the process of being asphalted. The Ministry of Public Works, contracting authority for almost all the road projects, reveals that in the long term, this linear should improve the paved road network by increasing it from 9,228.54 km to 10,535.13 km, and especially to raise it by 14.1%. The proportion of dirt roads (112,657.08 km) is the largest and represents 92.5% of the entire global road network. Among the roads already paved in the 1st quarter of 2022, there are 98.60 km of motorways; 5670.92 km of national roads; 1,495.27 km of regional roads and 1,746.66 km of municipal roads. However, the timetable for the completion of the roads being paved is difficult to define, in a context marked by a very strong economic situation observed in the construction sector, with the stoppage and delays observed in the execution of many works. , due to cash flow tensions within the contractors, resulting from the failure to pay statements by the State. The 1,306.59 km stretch of roads currently under construction could therefore be completed beyond 2022, but the fact remains that it will have to improve the overall road network by 14%. During 2021, the country paved a total of 778.6 km of new roads, and the length of the paved road network in the country "will have increased by 9.41%, from 8,347.91 km in 2020 to 9,133.69 km in 2021", revealed the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, last December before the deputies of the National Assembly during the session devoted to the examination of the 2022 finance law. The boss of the Mintp had also foreshadowed a stagnation of activity in the sector, indicating that the finalized works will be less important in 2022 than in 2021. Projections by the Ministry of Public Works, only 492.2 km of new roads will have to paved in 2022, i.e. 286.4 km less year-on-year. Municipal network Currently, the municipal road network is the densest in Cameroon, with 98,350.58 km, including 1,746.66 km of paved roads and 96,603.92 km of dirt roads. Interventions on the municipal network aim, among other things, to open up production basins, residential areas and to facilitate the exchange of people and goods. In the Adamaoua region, the municipal network is estimated at 6,581.08 km; in the Center region at 17,070.52 km; in the East, it is dense with 9,988.39 Km; in the Far North region, it is estimated at 19,600.93 km; in the Littoral, the total length of municipal roads is 6,426.90 km; in the North, it extends over 8,451.28 km; in the northwest, it is dense 9,224.89 km; to the West, it has a total length of 8,955.18 km; in the South, it is estimated at 8,144.15 km and in the South-West, it is 3,907.26 km. It should also be noted that for better management of the municipal road network, in order to achieve growth objectives, several reforms, supported by important texts, have been carried out: Decree N 2017/144 of the April 20, 2017 bearing road nomenclature, signed by the President of the Republic, recognizes municipal roads as part of the fourth category and are represented by the symbol C and order N126 / A / MINTP / CAB of November 10, 2020, bearing numbering and inventory of municipal roads in 128 municipalities, which made it possible to achieve one of the targets of indicator 1.3 of the budget support concluded with the European Union.

In Cameroon, more than 51% of the road network is in poor condition, due to a lack of means for maintenance (Mintp)

In this year 2021, the Cameroonian road network displays a total length of 121,873.93 km, all categories combined (tarmacked, earth, national, regional, departmental, municipal, etc.). But, by the very admission of the Minister of Public Works (Mintp), Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, who defended his 2022 budget envelope on December 1, 2021 before the deputies, 48.86% of this network is "in good or average condition. circulation, and 51.14% in poor condition". According to the presentation made by the Minister to the deputies, this situation is due to the lack of financial means to ensure road maintenance. Indeed, he pointed out, over the past 10 years, the length of roads in Cameroon has more than doubled, but the substantial means for maintenance have not followed. "The length of the road network has increased from 55,000 km in 2010 to 121,873.93 km in 2021, an increase of 121%, without a corresponding increase in upkeep and maintenance resources", explained Minister Nganou Djoumessi. In order to reverse this trend, the head of the ministerial department in charge of public works announces that the government intends not only to concede road maintenance, but also to implement the new sustainability strategy for earth roads, which constitute more than 93% of the national road network. Indeed, noting that " the maintenance solutions considered and implemented so far have shown their limits and call for a new effective strategy for the sustainable maintenance of earth roads ", the Ministry of Public Works has developed a maintenance of earth roads, which was the focus of an extension seminar organized from June 1 to 3, 2021 in the Cameroonian capital. Articulated around new pavement treatment techniques and the integration of innovative products in the works, this strategy aims concretely, we learn, to "improve the bearing capacity of the available loose material constituting the wearing course of these roads, limit the influence of traffic by controlling and controlling the circulation of heavy goods vehicles, controlling and limiting the influence of climatic conditions on the road... ". But, we stress at the Mintp, the actions to be carried out within the framework of this strategy "must be accompanied by governance measures that are greater rigor in the execution of the work, by strict compliance with the well-defined specifications. established beforehand; and a densification of network monitoring and emergency response". According to the Ministry of Public Works, the feedback obtained after the first years of implementation of this strategy will lead to the development of a "technical guide for the maintenance of earth roads highlighting, by ecological zone, the specificities techniques, the problems encountered, the appropriate optimal solutions as well as the implementation protocol". In the end, in addition to making it possible to maintain dirt roads at optimized costs, the strategy that the Mintp is preparing to implement should have a positive impact on the daily lives of the Cameroonian populations, on whom the "standard of living depends (... ) closely to the level of service offered by these dirt roads".

Road maintenance: the use of South African Carboncor announced in Cameroon from 2023, with a view to reducing costs

According to the Ministry of Public Works, road maintenance in Cameroon will see a major innovation during the year 2023, with the arrival among the authorized materials of the South African product called Carboncor. It is one of the five innovative products whose use in road maintenance work has been authorized by the Prime Minister since April 19, 2016 (more than 6 years ago, editor's note), by decree " putting into effect the standard specialized tender file for the award of road maintenance or rehabilitation contracts using innovative or non-innovative products". Obtained through the recycling of waste, Carboncor, whose reliability has long since been confirmed by the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (Labogenie), allows the cold surfacing of the roadway. In the 2010s, it was successfully tested on a section of the Yaoundé-Afanoyo road, in the Center region of the country. According to experts, by having the particularity of allowing cold surfacing of the roadway, Carboncor considerably reduces the time required for road maintenance works, and consequently the overall costs. From this point of view, this product can contribute to reducing the lack of funding that has plagued road maintenance in Cameroon for many years. As a reminder, according to data from the Ministry of Public Works, "the length of the road network has increased from 55,000 km in 2010 to 121,873.93 km in 2021 (finally updated to 121,884.7 km, editor's note), i.e. an increase by 121%, without a corresponding increase in care and maintenance resources". Based on this reality, we learn from the same source, 48.86% of the country's road network is "in good or average traffic condition, and 51.14% in poor condition".

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